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Finally! A quick and easy delayed playback system.
Simple but effective, this wireless instant replay camera was designed by gymnasts to meet your exact training and coaching needs. ​​
What does it cost?
Buy for $2900, or rent for $59 per month.
Is there a bulk discount?
Yes! Rent four for $199 per month.
What's included?
Everything but the TV. Full HD or 1080p TV's work best.
What if it breaks?
If it hasn't been crushed, set on fire or soaked in water we'll replace it for free.
Is it safe?
Yes. They aren't online, and the video is only kept for five minutes.
Can I save the video?
Absolutely! You can download it directly to your phone.
Is it easy to set up?
Extremely. Start to finish takes less than five minutes.
How do I sign up?
Click here to see our pricing plans.
Call, text or email any time. You'll have a response within 24 hours.
Liam Gorman​
978 768 8450
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